Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Andy

Dear Andy,

I remember your mother telling me, "He marches to the beat of his own drum." And our pastor saying, "He's comfortable in his own skin.". I think I giggled at their assessments of you, but I think these assessments are dead on.

You are the only person I know that is entirely sincere in saying, "I think I could wear the same thing every day." Perfectly worn boots, faded Wranglers, and a blue chambray Wrangler work shirt. But you're not afraid to wear your Chacos with those Wranglers (take that hipsters!). The world's trends and fashions change on a daily basis and, in all the good ways, you are consistent. Consistent in your love. You respond to me with gentle words when I am angry and hateful.

You are the only person I know whose iPod I sometimes wonder if it has Terets when it's shuffling. It goes from Bob Dylan, to some old 1920s recording, to Tom Petty, to Derek Webb... You know what you like and are going to stick with it and learn all about it, even obsessing over it sometimes. I'm glad you like me.

You are the only person I know who is so concerned about being honest that when you discovered that you had successfully ruined a surprise by sneaking around and then finding the tickets I had bought you to see Bob Dylan for the very first time, you chose to tell me what you had done with an apology, even though you knew I would be mad. Trustworthiness was more valuable to you than a facade of happiness. You have earned all my trust.

You are the only male member of your family who will sneak into your Nanah's kitchen after holiday meals and help clean the dishes. You aren't afraid of being "less manly" by helping in the kitchen. You are more concerned about loving and serving your Nanah.

You aren't concerned with driving a cool car. You sold that cool truck so you could marry me and provide for me. That makes you look way cooler than any vehicle ever could.

You aren't afraid of working a job that's not your "dream" job. You are not "above" working at a desk, even though a job placing you in God's creation would be your preference. You have learned an enviable contentedness while working at a desk all day (which you, like most people, don't love). You love providing for your family more than you love your own pleasure. You have found joy in playing music with friends and letting it be something to enjoy, not worship. I am thankful for this. It teaches me what is important.

You aren't afraid to change a poopy diaper. And by "a poopy diaper" I mean the kind that is not just in the diaper but all up the back and down the legs. I don't think I changed a single diaper of Maggie Rose's during the first week of her life. But then again, I can't remember if I've ever taken the trash out at this house, and it seems like you are always doing things like helping cook or clean. You are a true picture of how Christ loves the Church and "gave himself up for her."

You have vowed to not be the stoic at church, not to be the guy passively attending and never singing or displaying emotion. You long for all of your emotions and passions to be pointing towards Jesus Christ, the only One worthy of all your passion and emotion.

You march to the beat of your own drum. I agree. I want to march with you.

With All My Love and Affection,



Brittany said...

love this post alissa! makes me miss you guys! we still need to skype! love you!

Social Media Firm said...

What a great post. I’m emailing this to my friends.

apa essay format said...

Yes the whole content was pleasing to read seems after reading this that Andy is quite important and special for you..well from my side best of luck in all regards...

April said...

Just found your blog and love this post! So sweet and gets you thinking!

Unknown said...

amazing your dream is a powerfull one, dont give up on it

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imogenki said...

So beautiful and sweet ! I re-read this over and over again <3 And yeah , it seems that Andy is a really important person to you

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