This weekend Andy and I headed to Ft. Worth for the wedding of his cousin. This was a special wedding because his cousin is 35 years old and has never been married before, so everyone was particularly excited for her. Her groom is 40 years old and has never been married before either. In their wedding program they wrote a note that I found really beautiful:
"As the years come and go with unfulfilled dreams, we tend to wonder if God has forgotten, or if He really has our best interest in mind... But, as we are witnessing today, God has not forgotten, and brings His best for us in His own good time..."
I'm in the middle of a really frustrating and discouraging situation right now (as I'm sure many of you are), which I have prayed and prayed and prayed about for months. It seems like there is no end in sight. It was really nice to be reminded of God's faithfulness to His people. Our prayers never rise to deaf ears. He is listening and is working ALL things together for our good. I am so quick to forget this. What a sweet reminder!!!
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